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Welcome to Wild at Home!

Welcome to Wild at Home, my new (and first) blog series. It’s so lovely to have

you here.

Let’s start with a little about me… I’m the artist behind Loki Loves and through my art I’ve got to meet some amazingly passionate people, which I don't think I should keep all to myself!

My art is inspired by nature and I’m a curious person. I like to read up on projects and find out what's happening to ecosystems. I like to feel that I’m doing good things, from recycling to using eco/ water safe cleaning products and donating to help fund projects.

During lockdown 2021 I was inspired to do more. I found Remember the Wild and became their artist in residence 2021-22, volunteering my time and art to raise awareness and donations for threatened species and as they say,

the rest is history.

Now I would like to introduce my new blog, and I’m kicking it off with this interview series and blog on something close to my heart and home!

Wanna hear more about it? Of course you do!

Rather watch? Scroll down to the video at the bottom of the page 🔽

When were you last out for a walk and saw a flower you didn't recognise?

Many beautiful and rare plants exist in the world, but unfortunately people seldom get the opportunity to see them, especially in their natural (and wild) setting. Botanic Gardens and other conservation organisations are working hard to introduce these plants to the public, so everyone can appreciate their beauty and learn more about them. Hopefully saving them from extinction.

If you know me, you know I love the great outdoors, being in a green space is my happy place, no matter how small (meaning you may find me standing outside your house admiring a tree or plant in your garden he he). It's like meditation for me, observing and taking photos, wing present in the moment. I know being in nature benefits my health and mental wellness. Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne is one of the spaces I treasure. I am a Friend of Cranbourne Gardens and part of the Botanical Illustrators group.

I was fortunate enough to have an amazing chat with Russell Larke, Team Leader of Horticulture at the RBGV Cranbourne Gardens. We got chatting at the National Eucalyptus Day event and that is how I found out about his work with Raising Rarity.

Russell has some fantastic news about the program and how we can all get involved in saving plants that are found only in Australia. It inspired me to reach out with an idea of how we can work together to raise awareness and support Raising Rarity.

Russell and the Horticulture team at RBGV Cranbourne have partnered with the founder of Raising Rarity Dr Meg Hirst (RBGV Science) to produce an innovative way to create ex-situ living collections. Combining Meg’s expertise in seed science and the horticultural expertise of the Cranbourne team, they have created a program called 'Raising Rarity.'

Raising Rarity, an initiative of the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (RBGV), looks at horticultural approaches to help in the conservation of rare and threatened Australian wildflower and understorey species. The program aims to engage the public with these plants through a new approach.

I hope you can join us for part 2 on the 4th August 2022 where I'll be in the gardens with Russell and we can learn more about these rare species and Raising Rarity.

Then there will be a new blog out every fortnight for this series.

**This is not a paid collaboration, the project was my idea and I am volunteering my time, energy and art

Do you plant natives in your garden? Do you have a green thumb?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, please share your comments below or connect with me on socials.


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